a quarantine publication by jasmine wilson
i cannot wait to touch your hands again
let us never again take for granted being able to touch the people we care about
i asked all of the women i care about to send me photos of their hands
its a strange time that we are living through right now
to be robbed of touch is to be robbed of the basic need of affection
i miss my friends and family like everyone does and i wonder every day how long life is going to be like this
without touch without love i mean yeah we have the virtual world to communicate but you cant virtually touch so i guess im just making this as a way to remember how much i miss these hands
to remind me how powerful all of these women are and how important it is to touch these hands and remind these people that i appreciate them
these hands represent the women i love the most in this world. the women who have formed my existence and i cannot wait to hold them once more.
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